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Anti-DNase B Antibodies

Measurement of antibodies against DNase B is used for the laboratory diagnosis of acute or recent streptococcal infection.

Deoxyribonuclease B (DNase B) is an antigen produced by Group A streptococci. When the body is confronted with this antigen, it produces antibodies against the antigen. Anti-deoxyribonuclease B (anti-DNase B) test detects these antibodies, the presence of which means that the patient is suffering from streptococcal infection. The level of anti-DNase B increases when the patient recovers from the infection.

Anti-DNase B is considered more sensitive than the testing of anti-streptolysin O (ASTO) and when both tests are performed concurrently, they can accurately identify 95% of streptococcal infections.

The measurement of anti-DNase B is particularly useful in the diagnosis of rheumatic fever and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, two diseases due to group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infections.

What Do Pathological Rates Mean?
  • Increase: Rheumatic fever, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, pyoderma infection
  • Decrease: Taking antibiotics



Important Note

Laboratory test results are the most important parameter for the diagnosis and monitoring of all pathological conditions. 70%-80% of diagnostic decisions are based on laboratory tests. The correct interpretation of laboratory results allows a doctor to distinguish "healthy" from "diseased".

Laboratory test results should not be interpreted from the numerical result of a single analysis. Test results should be interpreted in relation to each individual case and family history, clinical findings, and the results of other laboratory tests and information. Your personal physician should explain the importance of your test results.

At Diagnostiki Athinon we answer any questions you may have about the test you perform in our laboratory and we contact your doctor to get the best possible medical care.

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