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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Genetic Testing

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when the median nerve, which runs through the wrist to the hand, is compressed. This compression leads to numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers. Treatment may include wrist splints, medications, and, in severe cases, surgery to relieve pressure on the nerve. The assessment of the Polygenic Risk Score for carpal tunnel syndrome is based on the examination of 11 gene polymorphisms.

Genetic testing for carpal tunnel syndrome is included along with 15 other diseases in the Genetic Screening for Nervous System Diseases, Polygenic Risk Score, and in the Genetic Screening for Musculoskeletal Diseases, Polygenic Risk Score, along with 11 other diseases.

Causes and non-genetic risk factors

In most cases, there is no single identified cause that leads to the syndrome, but factors that may increase the risk of occurrence have been identified:

  • Anatomical alterations which are produced by wrist injuries, such as fractures or dislocations. In addition, people with a smaller carpal tunnel have a higher involvement rate.
  • It is more frequent in women because they naturally have a narrower carpal tunnel.
  • Certain diseases. Conditions that cause nerve damage, such as diabetes, or those with an inflammatory component, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can affect the proper functioning of the median nerve.
  • Obesity.
  • Fluid retention, which can increase pressure within the carpal tunnel.
  • Work environment. Working with vibrating tools or those requiring repetitive wrist movements can increase damaging pressure on the median nerve.

Symptoms usually begin progressively and manifest as warmth, cramping, or numbness of the palm and fingers, especially the thumb and index finger. As the condition worsens, the symptoms become more pronounced and may lead to dropping objects due to weakness or numbness.

The sensation can extend from the wrist to the arm and is often more pronounced at night while driving or holding something for a long period of time, such as a book. Many patients find that moving or shaking their hands helps relieve the symptoms.


There is no proven way to prevent the syndrome, but you can reduce the risk by minimizing the strain on your hands and wrists with these methods:

  • If the job poses some risk, try to reduce force and grip.
  • Take periodic breaks by gently stretching and flexing the hands and wrists. Whenever possible, alternate tasks.
  • Maintain a relaxed position by avoiding excessive bending of the wrist. If working at a computer, keep the keyboard at elbow level.
  • Keep hands at a warm temperature as heat increases pain and stiffness.
Additional information
Results Time4 - 5 Weeks
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