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Fasciitis, Genetic Testing

Fasciitis is inflammation of the fascia, the connective tissue surrounding muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. Plantar fasciitis, for example, involves inflammation of the fascia in the foot, causing heel pain. Treatment includes rest, stretching exercises, and, in some cases, physical therapy. The assessment of the Polygenic Risk Score for fasciitis is based on the examination of 38 gene polymorphisms.

Genetic testing for fasciitis is included along with 11 other diseases in the Genetic Screening for Musculoskeletal Diseases, Polygenic Risk Score.

Causes and non-genetic risk factors

The causes of fasciitis are diverse. It can occur after a single or repeated trauma, infection, or as a result of a generalized autoimmune inflammation of the connective tissue. There are various forms of presentation, the most common being plantar fasciitis and palmar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain, caused by inflammation of a band of tissue that runs across the sole. Palmar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the fascia of the hand. Risk factors associated with these two forms of fasciitis are as follows:

  • Age: It is most common between the ages of 40 and 60
  • Certain types of exercise put pressure on the area
  • In the case of plantar fasciitis, flat feet, high arch, or an atypical walking pattern can increase the strain on the plantar fascia
  • Obesity
  • Certain professions, such as those involving the use of vibrating machinery or prolonged standing

Plantar fasciitis causes stabbing pain in the sole near the heel, which becomes more intense upon waking or prolonged standing. Pain may also occur in palmar fasciitis, but the most typical sign is difficulty fully stretching the fingers.


Specific recommendations can help prevent plantar fasciitis, such as wearing appropriate shoes, considering the possibility of using insoles if necessary, losing weight if necessary, avoiding impact sports, or regularly stretching the area. On the other hand, the risk of developing palmar fasciitis can be reduced by not using vibrating machinery, controlling possible inflammatory diseases, or practicing stretching exercises regularly.

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Results Time4 - 5 Weeks
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