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Silicon (Si), Blood

Silicon (Si) measurement in blood or urine is used to monitor its status in the body since it appears to play a physiological role in connective tissue function. It is also used to monitor possible toxicity due to excessive intake or occupational exposure.

Silicon (Si) is a chemical element with the atomic number 14. It is a member of the carbon group, which also includes carbon, germanium, tin, and lead. Silicon is a metalloid, meaning it has properties of both metals and non-metals. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust, making up about 27.7% of its mass by weight. It is found in various minerals, including quartz (silicon dioxide) and silicates, compounds of silicon, oxygen, and other elements.

Silicon has a wide range of industrial applications, particularly in electronics. It is the primary material for producing semiconductors, essential components of electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and integrated circuits. Silicon is also used to manufacture solar cells, optical fibers, and various ceramics. In addition to industrial uses, silicon is used in some dietary supplements, such as silicon dioxide.

Silicon is not considered an essential element for human life, but it is found in small amounts in the human body, primarily in connective tissues such as bones, skin, hair, and nails. Some studies suggest that silicon may play a role in bone health and connective tissue formation, although more research is needed to understand its biological significance fully.

While silicon is not considered essential in the same way as vitamins or minerals like calcium or iron, there is ongoing research into its potential role in human health:

  • Bone Health: Silicon is thought to contribute to bone health by forming collagen, a protein that provides structure to bones. Some studies suggest that silicon supplementation may help increase bone mineral density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Connective Tissue Formation: Silicon may also play a role in the formation and maintenance of connective tissues throughout the body, including tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Collagen synthesis, which silicon may influence, is crucial for the strength and elasticity of these tissues.
  • Skin Health: Silicon is found in high concentrations in the skin and is believed to contribute to the strength and elasticity of connective tissues in the skin. Some skincare products include silicon-based compounds to improve skin texture and appearance.
  • Hair and Nail Health: Silicon is also present in hair and nails, which may contribute to their strength and resilience. Some hair and nail supplements contain silicon to promote healthy growth and reduce brittleness.

While silicon is generally considered safe when consumed in small amounts through food and water, excessive silicon supplements may have adverse effects. High levels of silicon in the body have been associated with certain health conditions, such as kidney stones and Alzheimer's disease. However, more research is needed to understand these relationships fully. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains typically provides adequate silicon for most individuals.

This test assesses the presence of Silicon and does not measure Silica or Silicone. Silica is silicon dioxide (SiO2) found in quartz and sand. Silicones are inert synthetic organosilicon compounds used in adhesives, sealants, lubricants, medical applications, insulation, and cooking utensils.


Metals are determined by ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), a method that enables the simultaneous detection of many metals. Its sensitivity and accuracy are significantly better than conventional atomic absorption, and it can measure metals at concentrations up to 1 in 1015 (1 in 1 quadrillion, ppq)!

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