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Staphylococcus aureus Antibodies, Anti-Staphylolysin

Anti-staphylolysin is an antibody directed against Staphylolysin, also known as alpha-hemolysin or alpha-toxin, a protein produced by 80-90% of Staphylococcus aureus strains (anti-staphylococcal antibodies). This protein toxin can kill the skin cells (dermo-necrotic) and cause vasoconstriction. It represents one of the main factors of the pathogenicity of staphylococcal infections with cytotoxic and cytolytic capacity, responsible for the observed cell necrosis. Staphylolysin, having a high antigenicity, causes the synthesis of antibodies against it, which actively participate in the body's restoration, neutralizing the toxin's action.

Testing and quantifying antibodies against Staphylolysin cannot replace the diagnosis of staphylococcal infections by conventional microbiological cultures. However, its determination is essential in monitoring and treating sub-clinical and chronic infections.

The levels of these antistaphylococcal antibodies remain high in chronic staphylococcal diseases, particularly in chronic osteomyelitis and osteoarthrosis and in chronic pulmonary and skin staphylococcal infections. In these cases, the antibody titer has predictive value for treatment: the persistence of high and stable titers indicates the persistence of the infection. At the same time, their return to normal is proof of effective therapeutic intervention.

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