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EnteroScan® Obesity

EnteroScan® is a group of specialized laboratory tests that analyze the intestinal microbiome and its functions and, along with other innovative and conventional laboratory tests, shed light on the causal relationships and underlying causes of gastrointestinal diseases, nervous system diseases, allergies, and autoimmune diseases, obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and many other chronic diseases and conditions.

EnteroScan® Obesity (Obesity & Metabolic Diseases) investigates and provides answers to diseases such as obesity and other weight disorders, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and atherosclerosis.

The new EnteroScan® Obesity (Obesity & Metabolic Diseases) v2.0 includes even more analyses (such as testing for Short-Chain Fatty Acids). Still, the most crucial change is that the intestinal microbiome test has become more analytical since it is now carried out by molecular methodology (RT-PCR).

To whom EnteroScan® Obesity is addressed

Studies in humans and mice have shown that modern lifestyle diseases such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes are associated with changes in the composition and function of the intestinal microbiome. By testing the intestinal microbiome and its functions with the EnteroScan® Obesity and applying the appropriate therapeutic interventions, we can deal with the causes of these diseases.

EnteroScan® Obesity (Obesity & Metabolic Diseases) is aimed at people with:

  • Obesity
  • Inability to control body weight
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Testing with EnteroScan® is aimed at people who:
  • They face chronic health problems
  • They seek optimal health in natural ways
  • They want to prevent the emergence of modern lifestyle diseases

It is an easy, painless, noninvasive way of assessing the intestinal microbiome and its total intestinal function.

With EnteroScan® you can discover the real causes of the problems that concern you and give an etiologic solution.

With EnteroScan®, you can objectively monitor and measure changes in the microbiome and intestine function after therapeutic interventions.

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