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Heavy Metals Extended Profile, Nail

Good health depends on the availability of sufficient essential nutrients and the absence, or at least very low levels, of toxic elements. The Heavy Metals Basic Profile, Nail, reveals the state of the body regarding nutrients (Micronutrients and Trace Elements) and its exposure to toxic Heavy Metals.

Heavy Metals, Micronutrients, and Trace Elements in the Nails

Usually, nails can reflect the history of recent imbalances. Nails have been used as a diagnostic tool since ancient times. Nutrient deficiencies, drug reactions, or poisonings can be detected through nail analysis. Nail testing on metals reflects exposure to toxic heavy metals as they occur during their growth period.

Fingernails and toenails are made of a complex protein called keratin. Along with hair and teeth, they are components of the skin. These tissues accumulate metals that circulate in the blood, and how hair and nails grow reflects past exposure.

The average nail growth rate is 2-3 mm monthly, about 1/3 of the hair growth rate. Complete fingernail replacement can take 3 to 6 months, while toenails need 12 to 18 months. The actual rate of nail growth depends on age, sex, season, level of exercise, diet, and hereditary factors. Pregnancy changes the growth rate of nails and hair.

Nail analysis for Metals and Trace Elements is an excellent alternative to Hair analysis for Metals and Trace Elements when hair is unavailable.

The measurements are performed using ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), which enables the simultaneous detection of many metals. Its sensitivity and accuracy are significantly better than those of the conventional method of atomic absorption, which can measure metals in concentrations up to 1 in 1015 (1 in 1 quadrillion, ppq)!

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