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Raisins and Blood Sugar

Raisins Help to Steady Blood Sugar Levels

Raisins are high in potassium, have a low glycemic index, and contain fiber, polyphenols, phenolic acid, tannins, and antioxidants.  Harold Bays, from the Louisville Metabolic and Atherosclerosis Center (L-MARC) (Kentucky, USA), and colleagues recruited 46 men and women, mean age 61 years, who had not been previously been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, but who had mild elevations in glucose levels. Participants were randomly assigned to snack on raisins or pre-packaged commercial snacks that did not contain raisins or other fruits or vegetables, three times a day for 12 weeks.  Compared to control snacks, the researchers found that raisins significantly decreased mean post-meal glucose levels by 16%.  Further, raisins significantly reduced mean HbA1c by 0.12%. The study authors conclude that: "Routine consumption of raisins 3 times a day may significantly lower [post-meal] glucose levels, when compared to common alternative equicaloric snacks.”

Πηγή: Harold E. Bays, Kathy Schmitz, Amber Christian, Michelle Ritchey, James W. Anderson.  “Raisins and Glucose: A Randomized, Controlled Trial” [Abstract 2301-PO].  Presented at the American Diabetes Association’s 72nd Annual Scientific Session, June 21, 2012.

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